Our Story
REMIC Mortgage Agent Course (RMAC):

Our Story
Founded in 2008 by Joseph J. White, author of the textbook used by both the REMIC and Seneca College courses for agent licensing, and numerous sales resources, the Real Estate and Mortgage Institute of Canada is the Institute dedicated to the mortgage brokerage industry and the life insurance industry. Mr. White founded the Institute to meet the needs of financial services professionals by focusing solely on the mortgage brokerage industry. In 2016 REMIC expanded its educational offerings to include the life insurance agent course, called the HLLQP. In doing so REMIC provides both life insurance agents and mortgage agents the ability to expand their sphere of influence and diversify their income by becoming dual licensed.
REMIC Mortgage Agent Course (RMAC):
REMIC provides the Ontario mortgage agent course for licensing, often referred to as the Ontario mortgage agent licensing course. This course is required by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) to become a licensed mortgage agent or become a licensed mortgage broker in Ontario. REMIC is the leading provider, with more graduates than any other provider in the province.
The Real Estate and Mortgage Institute of Canada Inc. (REMIC) will continue to develop and deliver inspired, innovative training built on a foundation of consumer protection and ethics designed to advance our industry and cultivate the skills of our learners.
The course designer, Joseph J. White, has taught over 20,000 students wishing to become licensed as a mortgage agent in Ontario over the past 15 years, and is the leader in both online and in class course development, having designed courses for Ontario colleges and mortgage trade associations.
Quite simply, RMAC is designed for your success. Our online course boasts a combination of video tutorials, online forums and quizzes designed to assist you in understanding the material, which is key to your success. Once you’ve completed the online section of the course, you will then qualify to write the exam. Based on FSRA’s required learning objectives, or Mortgage Agent Qualifying Standards (MAQS), RMAC provides you all of the tools you need to complete the course online.
And you have access to your Instructor, a mortgage industry professional, throughout the course.
If you wish to begin a career as a mortgage agent or a career as a mortgage broker, the REMIC Mortgage Agent Course (RMAC) is what you need to begin. The REMIC Mortgage Agent Course meets the FSRA requirements for mortgage agent education as detailed in the Mortgage Agent Qualifying Standards (MAQS) as published by FSRA.
A career as a mortgage agent or a career as a mortgage broker can be both personally and financially rewarding. REMIC, founded by Joseph White, considered by many to be the industry’s foremost educator and author provides the REMIC Ontario Mortgage Agent Course both online and in class. To view details about the REMIC Ontario Mortgage Agent Course online, click here. To view details about the REMIC Mortgage Agent Course in class, click here.
Many who choose a career as a real estate agent or a career in real estate will also choose to take the REMIC Ontario Mortgage Agent Course to either add to their knowledge, or become a licensed mortgage agent or a licensed mortgage broker to offer that additional service to their buyers.
Once the REMIC Mortgage Agent Course has been successfully completed an individual must be hired by a licensed Ontario Mortgage Brokerage. The brokerage will then apply to FSRA on behalf of the student for his or her mortgage agent license.