3 Secrets to Blogging World Domination!
Do you:
- Want to increase your web traffic?
- Make your opinion known to the masses?
- Share information you think is important?
- Get people to take action on a particular subject?
- Or just otherwise speak your mind?
If so, then you need to be blogging. So, first thing’s first. Start a blog.
You can go to remicblogs.com or wordpress.org to start a free blog, or you can set up a wordpress blog on your own hosted domain. It’s easy to start your free blog with little or no technical knowledge. If you want to start your own blog on your own hosted domain, you might need some extra help. You can also view a great tutorial here, but be prepared. You’ll need to have an above average technical knowledge to set up your own hosted blog.
Setting up a blog isn’t one of the secrets to blogging dominance, but it is a prerequisite. So without further delay, here are 3 Secrets to Blogging Dominance!
- POV: Know your blog’s raison d’etre, or reason for existing.
Have a POV, or point of view. If you want more traffic to your website, that’s fine, but that can’t be what you blog about. So, to get more traffic you need to have a raison d’etre that will embolden you, get you passionate and resonate with your audience. For example, if you’re a realtor, find something that you’re passionate about in the real estate business. Don’t try to anticipate or predict what consumers are passionate about. Focus on what you are passionate about. Your passion will attract readers. Potential topics may include interior design, gardening, the best time to buy or sell, how to value your house, things that increase home values, things that decrease home values, etc. etc. etc. These topics apply to anyone who is in a real estate related field, including mortgage brokers.
Mortgage brokering in Ontario is regulated by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) and requires a license. To obtain a license you must first pass an accredited course. The Real Estate and Mortgage Institute of Canada Inc. (REMIC) is accredited by FSCO to provide the course. For more information please visit us at www.remic.ca/getlicensed or call us at 877-447-3642.
- PERSONALITY: Now that you have some topics it’s time to add your own brand of personality into the mix.
Don’t copy and paste other people’s articles. However you can read someone else’s article and put your own spin on it. Make it your own. Just like an op-ed or opinion piece in the newspaper or on television (such as Jon Stewart’s the Daily Show), take info and restate it with your own personality. You’ll attract those to your blog who like your personality.
- SASSY: If your blog’s title doesn’t stand out above the noisy world of the internet, it won’t get heard, seen or read.
Make your titles short and sweet, but sassy and engaging. Here are just a few from today’s headlines: “Joan Rivers Put the ‘Fun’ Back in Funeral”, from the Huffington Post, September 9, 2014. “Liberals Now Claim Peanut Butter Sandwiches Are Racist”, from the Drudge Retort (yes, retort), September 9, 2014. Do you need some more ideas? Search for your topic online and see how others title their stories. Bottom line: stand out
Of course these are only the tips of the icebergs. There are several other key factors that can make or break a great blog. I urge you to come see what else can help you dominate the bloggesphere at the Science of Sales Success conference located at the Ontario Science Centre on October 30, 2014. Click here for more details.
Cheers to your blogging domination!