Current as of: 15/08/2023
To protect the health and safety of REMIC staff and students from the spread of COVID-19, this policy details the conditions under which individuals will be permitted in REMIC locations until further notice.
This policy applies to all REMIC staff and students.
Accepted vaccine
A COVID-19 vaccine that has been approved for use by Health Canada and/or the World Health Organization.
Fully vaccinated
Having received the completed series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine. An individual is considered fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving their completed dose.
Proof of vaccination
Proof of vaccination, in the form of an official dose administration receipt, is required by all individuals coming on campus.
1. Policy Statement
To protect the health and safety of our staff and students, REMIC requires that individuals be vaccinated as a condition to enter a REMIC location to work or attend as a student. This policy will continue to be subject to federal, provincial and local public health regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Accepted vaccines
REMIC will accept the COVID-19 vaccines approved by Health Canada and/or the World Health Organization (WHO).
3. Proof of COVID-19 vaccination
- REMIC locations will continue to be closed to the general public (individuals who are not staff or students).
- Staff entering a REMIC location will be required to provide proof of having been fully vaccinated with an accepted vaccine or of having received the first dose of a two-dose vaccine.
- Individuals writing an in-person examination are required to upload their dose administration receipt using REMIC’s examination portal.
- Personal health information, including attestations and additional proof of vaccination, collected by REMIC, will be stored in accordance with REMIC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Policy and Personal Health Information Protection Act Statement.
- Individuals’ private health information will not be disclosed alongside any other identifying data.
- Individuals who make false attestations about, or provide false documents related to being vaccinated may be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including expulsion for students and termination for employees; such individuals could also be at risk of criminal liability.
4. Exemptions
Since REMIC already allows students to complete their course fully online, there is no requirement for students to attend a REMIC location, and therefore there are no exceptions to this policy. REMIC may provide, at its sole discretion, in-person examinations and/or classes to those who meet this vaccination policy. However, REMIC does NOT require students to get vaccinated as a prerequisite to completing a REMIC course since all REMIC courses may be completed fully online.