Today is a quick, mini-blog. Blogging is a fantastic way to increase your web presence. I had the honour of doing a presentation at the MI/Invis PD day yesterday, October 1st on blogging, and I’d like to continue what I started yesterday with some more great information on getting your blog shared.
To have an impact you need readers. To have a great impact you need those readers to share.
I suggest that you click on this link to download “How to Get 1000 Shares on Your Blog Post”, a great e-book by Ian Cleary, CEO of RazorSocial. This e-book focuses on how to increase your blog shares. You most likely won’t be able to use all of these ideas, but I highly recommend that you give this e-book a read – it’s full of great info that you can use immediately to make a strategic impact on your business.
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For example, Ian’s first suggestion is that you use a compelling title. Sounds pretty standard, but what he suggests as compelling is using a number. Such as 97%, or like this blog, 1000! He states that he did a blog and entitled it “How to Improve Social Sharing by 97%” – I don’t know if his increased by 97% or not but the title certainly grabbed my attention, and a lot of others as well.
So enjoy the e-book and make sure you employ some of these strategies right away!